Japan cultural landscape
Japan cultural landscape

  • Final Essay (3000 words) based on a key topic chosen during the lectures and field visits delivered two weeks after course lecture period concludes (30).
  • Research presentation on selected key topic chosen during the course delivered on Day 20 (30).
  • The following assessment will occur in Japan and Australia for the two parts of this course Japan Workbook for reflective writing (15)
  • Assessment will be based on activities and work produced throughout course.
  • #Japan cultural landscape professional

  • Display high-level skills of reading comprehension, writing, and presenting in styles suitable for a professional workplace environment and for a general audience.
  • Communicate ideas about environmental change effectively in contrasting Japanese and Australian contexts.
  • Evaluate how differing perceptions of natural and cultural landscapes have influenced societies through time, drawing on and justifying interdisciplinary approaches as appropriate.
  • Develop high-level critical analysis of the natural and human influences that explain past cultural and environmental conditions.
  • Describe the nuanced role that natural processes and human impacts may have on landscapes in the past and demonstrate an understanding of how the evidence is obtained.
  • japan cultural landscape

    Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to: The course will provide students with a deeper understanding of the practical skills to engage in current issues that span the sciences and humanities. The course combines in-class learning, museum visits and fieldtrips to Mt Fuji and the coastal and inland regions around the ANU campus. The evidence for critical transitions that have occurred in nature and society will be discussed and students will see first-hand examples of how environmental change has influenced past and present societies and cultures. In Australia and the Asia-Pacific region there is a rich body of evidence for past changes in culture, climate, landscape and biodiversity that is only just beginning to be explored. Much of what we know of the deeper past comes from natural archives of changing cultural landscapes and environment.

    japan cultural landscape japan cultural landscape

    The course asks the fundamental questions, "How do we explain the remarkably abrupt changes that sometimes occur in nature and society?" and "What can knowledge of the past tell us about our future?". This intensive course will involve 4 weeks of in-country traveling and study at the University of Tokyo and the Mt Fuji region of Japan followed by equivalent time at the ANU and south coast to tablelands region.

    Japan cultural landscape